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E-Verify Engagement Event Summaries

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is continuing to host stakeholder events in order for E-Verify users to share concerns, experiences and ideas about the employment verification process. Feedback may support future process improvements. Users have periodically provided feedback on:

  • Adding a new program administrator after the old administrator has left the organization;
  • Finding out who the program administrator is for an organization when the user needs to reset their password;
  • Terminating an existing account when switching access methods or becoming clients of employer agents;
  • Merging accounts and records when companies go through the mergers and acquisition processes;
  • Re-enrolling client accounts when the employer agent needs to move the account from one of their accounts to another; and
  • Difficulty displaying the signed MOU signature page.

Stay tuned for future engagements.

On Nov. 16, 2023, USCIS hosted a Listening Session for E-Verify Users on Account Management. The session was an opportunity for users to provide feedback on their experience with account management services and ask questions. Invites were sent to over 1.2 million users and 229 participated.

Account Management issues that stood out:

  • Users expressed difficulty in retrieving existing reports and would like additional/customizable report options.
  • Users expressed difficulty managing and viewing Points of Contact.
  • Challenges with the password reset process were noted:
    • Requirements for new password creation are too complex; and
    • Employers with multiple user accounts require assistance from Customer Support.
  • Users are not able to update the MOU signatory, it would require re-enrollment.
    • It was suggested to add a user option to edit the MOU signatory.

What we learned:

  • Users expressed challenges with requirement to create a new user ID for deleted users (if deleted in error).
  • It was suggested to have the assigned Program Administrator information visible to each user upon log-in (as usually unknown).
  • Users appreciated customized relationship management support when it was available to them.
  • It was suggested to update E-Verify Resources on E-Verify.gov to mirror user experience.
  • Users suggested to have messaging notifications featured more widely, not solely on the main page.

This and other valuable feedback received will be considered for future process improvements. For more information on E-Verify and other events, subscribe to GovDelivery, follow us @EVerify on Twitter or visit E-Verify webinars.

On Nov. 15, 2023, USCIS hosted a Listening Session on E-Verify enrollment. The session was an opportunity for users to provide feedback on their experience with the enrollment process and ask questions. Invites were sent to over 1.2 million users and 415 participated.

Enrollment Issues that stood out:

  • Employer Agent Users expressed issues with MOU signing process. The current link has a 24-hour expiration; a 48- to-72-hour expiration was suggested to better meet users’ needs.
  • Employers requested to bring back auto-rejection of pending enrollments left unsigned for 90 days.
  • Employers suggested adding the ability to enter special characters when importing or entering hiring sites.
  • Users expressed issues around creation of accounts during outages or technical issues. They would prefer to have the ability to retain pending accounts or reference dates that enrollment was requested, so the process can continue when outage has ended.

What we learned:

  • Some users report receiving varying or inconsistent responses to customer support inquiries.
  • Users expressed concerns with managing client accounts and being included in information shared from E-Verify directly to client POCs.
  • Users identified interest in hearing more about E-Verify+.

This and other valuable feedback received will be considered for future process improvements. For more information on E-Verify and other events, subscribe to GovDelivery, follow us @EVerify on Twitter or visit E-Verify webinars.

On June 27, 2023, U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services hosted a listening session for web services providers’ representatives on E-Verify+. The invite was sent to a small number of invitees and 14 attended.

The listening session provided a forum for web services providers to learn about E-Verify+ and how it may integrate with current web services solutions.  E-Verify representatives presented a video on E-Verify+ and demonstrated how E-Verify+ will work for employers and employees.

The top takeaways from the session were:

  • To conduct another listening session in the future that goes through the mismatch processes; and  
  • To have continued dialog with web services representatives on future integration needs.

USCIS will host more sessions in the future.  Stay tuned! 

On Nov. 17, 2021, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services hosted an E-Verify Interface Control Agreement (ICA) Version 31 (v31) Listening Session for Web Services (WS) developers. The purpose of the listening session was to:

  • Provide a platform for WS developers to share concerns and feedback on the newly released ICA v31, which was made publicly available on Sept. 30, 2021.
  • Provide support to WS developers as they transition from ICA v30 to ICA v31. Approximately 128 WS users participated in the session.

WS issues that stood out:

  • Employers expressed concerns regarding the number of times the stage environment was down and not accessible.
  • Employers were not familiar with the testing process for the new ICA and requested an overview.
  • Employers expressed concerns with the cases that are currently stuck with Social Security Administration (SSA) and what impact those cases might have on the new features in the ICA.

What we learned:

  • Users expressed satisfaction with the communication leading up to the new ICA.
  • Users provided positive feedback with the roll-out of the draft ICA and not seeing too many changes with the final ICA versions.

The change log that was provided after the July listening session was very helpful to identify the necessary changes in the new ICA.

On July 28, 2021, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services hosted an E-Verify Web Services (WS) Listening Session for Interface Control Agreement (ICA) Version 31 Draft Release. The purpose of the listening session was to obtain valuable feedback from WS developers on the draft ICA v31, which was released to the public on July 7, 2021. Approximately 144 WS users participated in the session.

WS issues that stood out:

  • Employers requested a change log to compare the new enhancements coding with what is currently being used. Employers requested that USCIS highlight changes in the new ICA, so the information can be found easier.
  • Employers requested guidance for when a case is unable to be edited, and a duplicate case cannot be created.

What we learned:

  • Users expressed satisfaction with the communication leading up to the new ICA.
  • Users expressed satisfaction with the requirements in the draft ICA. There were no deficiencies mentioned.

This and other valuable feedback received may support future process improvements. If you have questions about the E-Verify Web services, contact E-Verify-feedback@uscis.dhs.gov. For more information on E-Verify and other events, subscribe to GovDelivery, follow us @EVerify on Twitter, and visit our Employer Resources page for upcoming webinars.

On Jan.14, 2021, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services hosted an E-Verify Web Services (WS) Listening Session.

Some of the objectives included:

  • To obtain valuable feedback from members of the E-Verify WS community which may support the E-Verify Program's strategic planning and requirements for updating the Interface Control Agreement (ICA); and
  • To inform the WS community of known upcoming enhancements in FY21.

Approximately 413 WS users participated in the session. WS issues that stood out:

  • It was suggested that USCIS create a Status Page regarding outages, in order to provide near real-time messaging on unplanned outages. USCIS will examine this suggestion to identify opportunities for improvement.
  • Employers need the ability to close a case if an employee decides not to contest because employment was terminated. USCIS will examine this suggestion to identify opportunities for improvement.

What we learned:

  • Some employers had to build testing simulators on their end for ICAv30 testing.
  • Users expressed satisfaction with ICA v30 "close" feature for cases.
  • Users expressed satisfaction with receiving updates via direct messaging.
  • ICA releases should possibly follow agile methodology.

This and other valuable feedback received may support future process improvements. If you have questions about the E-Verify Web Services, contact e-verify-feedback@uscis.dhs.gov.

On Nov. 5, 2020, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services hosted an E-Verify Account Management Listening Session. During this session, subject matter experts engaged with E-Verify users on the account management process. Approximately 644 E-Verify users participated in the session.

Some of the objectives included:

  • What do you like most about the current enrollment, user account and company account management process?
  • What specific challenges have you had in managing your company or user account?
  • What account management functions or features do you benefit from the most? What features, if added, would assist you the most?
  • What areas can we improve upon for enrollment, user account and company account management?
  • How do you manage your user accounts? How do you ensure they are kept up to date?

Account Management issues that stood out:

  • Linking and merging accounts– users need multiple passwords and need to complete training several times.
  • Users are not able to update the username when previous person moved on. New user for same company does not want to re-enroll.

What we learned:

  • Users expressed system is user friendly and easy to create cases.
  • Some users have received varying or inconsistent responses to customer inquiries.
  • Users expressed concerns with accounts and changing username and passwords.
  • Users identified other topics to host with smaller groups and targeted messaging.

Users appreciated customized relationship management support when it was available to them.

Last Updated Date: