The E-Verify MOU states that an account may be terminated at any time upon 30 days prior written notice. Under certain circumstances, an E-Verify account may be closed prior to the end of the 30-day period. Those circumstances include:

  • The company no longer exists;
  • Closing the account is necessary to protect the account from unauthorized access;
  • A company has duplicate or unnecessary accounts;
  • A company needs to re-enroll in order to change its E-Verify access method; or
  • E-Verify determines that closing an account before 30 days is necessary based on the requirements of law or policy.

To request that your E-Verify account be closed prior to 30 days from your notice of termination based on one of these circumstances, your written request for termination must:

  • Request that your E-Verify account be closed prior to 30 days from your notice of termination;
  • Explain why your account should be closed prior to 30 days from your notice of termination, referencing and explaining in detail one or more of the circumstances above; and
  • Specify the date you would like your E-Verify account closed.

Closing E-Verify accounts prior to the end of the 30-day period is at the discretion of E-Verify.

Can my company’s E-Verify account be closed in less than 30 days?
Last Updated Date