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This response is given if the Social Security Administration (SSA) or the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) needs more than 10 federal government working days to provide a final case result. Employers may not terminate or take any other adverse action against an employee (such as denying work, delaying training, withholding pay, or otherwise assuming that they are not authorized to work) because of the mismatch, until the mismatch becomes a Final Nonconfirmation.

This response is given if the user abandons a case after the Check Information screen or the photo matching screen appears. The user will need to continue the case or close it.

An individual or company that hires an E-Verify employer agent to create cases on their behalf.

The step in the verification process when either a final result has been provided or the user no longer needs to continue the verification and the case is ready to be closed.

This case result means SSA or DHS needs the case to be closed and the employer should create and submit another case. This result may be issued when the employee’s U.S. Passport, Passport Card, or Driver’s License information is incorrect.

The E-Verify company ID number has 4 to 7 digits and is located on each page of the memorandum of understanding (MOU), directly below the E-Verify logo. Program administrators may also obtain the company ID number from the Company Information page in E-Verify under Edit Company Profile.

Corporate administrator access is used only for managing multiple employer accounts and doesn’t allow corporate administrator users to create and manage E-Verify cases. New corporate administrators must attend a free, regularly scheduled web-based training session before their accounts are activated.

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