New Features and Updates for Direct Access Users

Improvement Description Benefit to Users
Fixed a bug causing the “Cases in Progress” filter to display all cases.
  • Allows users to successfully view only cases in progress.
Fixed a bug preventing users from updating the “Document Number” field on the "Review Case" screen.
  • Allows users to edit the “Document Number” field on the “Review Case” screen when dashes are present in the driver’s license or state ID document numbers.
  • Notifies users when they enter new information that doesn’t comply with established field standards.
Fixed a bug causing the Further Action Notice (FAN) to display an incorrect Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC) date.
  • Ensures the FAN properly records when the case received a TNC.
Fixed a bug causing the wrong signature to appear on the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for some newly enrolled clients.
  • Ensures the correct signature populates the MOU.
Moved the “Search Cases” field to the left view pane to ensure 508 compliance.
  • Ensures all users, including users with disabilities, are able to effectively access cases in E Verify.
Added a “Created By” filter to search and view cases.
  • Allows general users to focus on the cases that they created while still being able to view other cases created within their company.
Fixed the “State” field drop-down list for driver’s license/state ID cards so the states are displayed alphabetically.
  • Allows users to easily find their state/territory.
Added the “State” field drop-down list to the “Are you Sure?” page.
  • Allows employers to review the state selection for accuracy and edit, if necessary, which could reduce TNCs.

New Features and Updates for Web Service Users

Improvement Description Benefit to Users
Fixed a bug with the Get Resolved Cases endpoint that was displaying incorrect information during the queueing process.
  • Ensures that Web service users do not see multiple entries for the same case.
Updated the validations for the “Document Number” field for the driver’s license and state ID card.
  • Ensures Web service cases can be processed without having to re-enter the case.
Updated the web service emulator case logic so that it mirrors the E-Verify website.
  • Ensures Web service users experience the same feedback and processes that E-Verify website users do when testing their product to ensure it complies with requirements in the Interface Control Agreement’s (ICA).
Added a simulated time-out so that web service users can test their software and ensure their cases will continue processing if data partners are unavailable. This would cause E Verify to respond with the codes showing that a data partner is currently down.
  • Ensures Web service users experience the same processes that E-Verify website users do when testing to see if their product can correctly handle time-outs.
Deployed 508 compliance updates to the web service emulator.
  • Allows persons with disabilities to more easily use the web service emulator.
Added error messages to the web service emulator when users search for cases.
  • Ensures that when Web service users are testing their product, they are aware of the reason(s) why they are unable to retrieve a case.
Fixed a bug that caused an unmapped error during the duplicate case process.
  • Ensures that Web service cases flagged as duplicates can continue being processed.
Last Updated Date