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Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos

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Los sitios web oficiales usan .gov
Un sitio web .gov pertenece a una organización oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos.


Los sitios web seguros .gov usan HTTPS
Un candado () o https:// ignifica que usted se conectó de forma segura a un sitio web .gov. Comparta información sensible sólo en sitios web oficiales y seguros.

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Upcoming Webinars


Form I-9 Document Training

Learn about the types of acceptable documents when filling out the Form I-9, what can be accepted, how to enter the information.  This webinar is useful for all employers and is eligible for 1 professional development credit through SHRM and HRCI. 

Estimated duration: 1 hour. 


Form I-9 Overview

Learn about Form I-9 requirements, step-by-step instructions on how to complete each section, acceptable documents, retention, and storage. Useful for all employers. This webinar, useful for prospective and new E-Verify users, is eligible for 1 professional development credit through SHRM and HRCI.

Estimated duration: 1 hour.



Federal Contractor E-Verify


E-Verify Overview


E-Verify for Web Services Users

Learn about methods to access web services, as well as software and training requirements. This webinar, useful for users who plan to develop their own software to access E-Verify is eligible for 1 professional development credit through SHRM and HRCI.

Estimated duration: 1 hour.



Form I-9 Document Training

Learn about the types of acceptable documents when filling out the Form I-9, what can be accepted, how to enter the information.  This webinar is useful for all employers and is eligible for 1 professional development credit through SHRM and HRCI. 

Estimated duration: 1 hour. 


Form I-9 Overview

Learn about Form I-9 requirements, step-by-step instructions on how to complete each section, acceptable documents, retention, and storage. Useful for all employers. This webinar, useful for prospective and new E-Verify users, is eligible for 1 professional development credit through SHRM and HRCI.

Estimated duration: 1 hour.



E-Verify Overview


Employee Rights

This joint webinar hosted by USCIS and Immigrant and Employee Rights (IER) discusses employee rights and anti-discrimination provisions during the E-Verify and Form I-9 employment eligibility verification processes. This webinar, useful for workers, worker advocates, job seekers, and employers, is eligible for 1 professional development credit through SHRM and HRCI.

Estimated duration: 1 hour.



E-Verify for Existing Users