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Customer Satisfaction Surveys

E-Verify evaluates customer satisfaction annually by surveying users with standardized questions from the American Customer Satisfaction Index.


Report Comparisons

In 2014, the research firm Westat conducted a survey of recent E-Verify users to gather information on employers’ opinions and experiences with using the program. The study is part of an ongoing evaluation of E-Verify. The survey sample consisted of 3,723 employers randomly chosen from a list of 76,828 eligible employers in the E-Verify Transaction Database.

Below are the 2014 Westat E-Verify User Survey Report, Key Findings, and Recommendation:

Recursos Relacionados

E-Verify GAO Report 11-146 (PDF, 1.69 MB)

Employment Verification Report (December 2010) to the Subcommittee on Social Security, Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives

DHS Response to E-Verify GAO Report 11-146 (PDF, 54.34 KB)

The Department of Homeland Security appreciates the opportunity to review and respond to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) subject report. 

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