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E-Verify Quick Reference Guide for Client Enrollment Redesign

E-Verify Quick Reference Guide for Client Enrollment Redesign


E-Verify has redesigned the client enrollment process for E-Verify employer agents. Aside from an updated look, the enrollment process is now streamlined and provides enhanced guidance, making it easier for you to properly enroll your clients.

Website features include:

  • A new layout, graphic elements and improved navigation
  • Improved client enrollment status information
  • The ability to save an enrollment that is in progress

How does an E-Verify employer agent access client enrollment?

  1. Log in to E-Verify
  2. Select “Clients” from the navigation menu
  3. Select “Add Client” from the drop down. The client enrollment site will open in a new window.

How does the new client enrollment work?

The E-Verify employer agent enters the client’s information including:

  • Client’s Name, Address, Doing Business As Name, DUNS Number, Employer Identification Number, Total Number of Employees
  • Employer Category
  • North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code
  • Points of Contact and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Signatory
  • Hiring Sites

The E-Verify employer agent must print the “Employer Using an E-Verify Employer Agent Memorandum of Understanding” and provide it to the client. The client’s signatory signs the MOU and the E-Verify employer agent provides it to E‑Verify.

Additional Resources

Supplemental Guide for E-Verify Employer Agents

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