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E-Verify extends timeframe for taking action to resolve mismatches 03/20/2020

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News Item Date:

E-Verify is extending the timeframe to take action to resolve Social Security Administration (SSA) Tentative Nonconfirmations (mismatches) due to SSA office closures to the public. E-Verify is also extending the timeframe to take action to resolve Department of Homeland Security (DHS) mismatches in limited circumstances when an employee cannot resolve a mismatch due to public or private office closures.

IMPORTANT: You must notify your employee about their mismatch result as soon as possible. After your employee is notified of their mismatch and decides whether to take action to resolve the mismatch, the employee should acknowledge the decision on the Further Action Notice, and the employer should notify E-Verify of their employee’s decision. Employees who choose to take action to resolve a mismatch are referred to SSA and/or DHS. Employers may not take any adverse action against an employee because the E-Verify case is in an interim case status, including while the employee’s case is in an extended interim case status.

UPDATE (01/26/2021):

If you have an employee who received a mismatch who no longer works for you, you must wait for E-Verify to update the employee’s case so you can close the case in E-Verify. Employers must close all cases in E-Verify. Due to the extension for employees to resolve their mismatches, E-Verify will provide employers adequate time to close their cases once E-Verify updates these cases.

New Temporary Policies

We have implemented the following policies to minimize the burden on both employers and employees: Employers are still required to create cases for their new hires within three business days from the date of hire.

Employers must use the hire date from the employee’s Form I-9 when creating the E-Verify case. If case creation is delayed due to COVID-19 precautions, select “Other” from the drop-down list and enter “COVID-19” as the specific reason.

Employers may not take any adverse action against an employee because the E-Verify case is in an interim case status, including while the employee’s case is in an extended interim case status.

Customer Support and Account Access

E-Verify Contact Center representatives are still available. Employers will still be able to access their E-Verify accounts and:

  • Enroll in E-Verify;
  • Create E-Verify cases;
  • Add, delete or edit any user account;
  • Reset passwords;
  • Edit company information;
  • Terminate accounts; and
  • Run reports or view any information about an account or case.

Related Resources

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