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Fecha de Publicación:
News Item Date:

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) invites you to participate in an E-Verify Account Management Listening Session on Nov. 5 from 2 – 3:30 p.m. Eastern so you can provide valuable feedback on your account management user experience.

Specifically, we would like to receive feedback on the following questions:

  • What do you like most about the current enrollment, user account and company account management process?
  • What specific challenges have you had in managing your company or user account?
  • What account management functions or features do you benefit from the most? What features, if added, would assist you the most?
  • What areas can we improve upon for enrollment, user account and company account management?
  • How do you manage your user accounts? How do you ensure they are kept up to date?

Users have periodically provided feedback on account management issues, like:

  • Adding a new program administrator after the old administrator has left the organization;
  • Finding out who the program administrator is for an organization when the user needs to reset their password;
  • Having to terminate an existing account when switching access methods or becoming clients of employer agents;
  • Merging accounts and records when companies go through the mergers and acquisition processes;
  • Re-enrolling client accounts when the employer agent needs to move the account from one of their accounts to another; and
  • Difficulty displaying the signed MOU signature page.

Your feedback will support future process improvements. You must pre-register by visiting the listening session page. USCIS is using Cisco Webex as the platform for our listening session. If you have never joined a Cisco Webex session before, please prepare your web browser when you pre-register.

We will send a confirmation email and invitation for the session to the email address you provide. Space is limited, so register early. Please log in 15 minutes before the session starts.

For questions and additional information, please email us at E-VerifyOutreach@uscis.dhs.gov.

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