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DHS To End COVID-19 Temporary Policy for Expired List B Identity Documents

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DHS is ending the COVID-19 Temporary Policy for List B Identity Documents. Beginning May 1, Employers will no longer be able to accept expired List B documents.

DHS adopted the temporary policy in response to the difficulties many individuals experienced with renewing documents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now that document-issuing authorities have reopened and/or provided alternatives to in-person renewals, DHS will end this flexibility. Starting May 1, 2022, employers must only accept unexpired List B documents. 

If an employee presented an expired List B document between May 1, 2020, and April 30, 2022, employers are required to update their Forms I-9 by July 31, 2022. See table below for update requirements.

If the employee’s Form I-9 was completed between May 1, 2020 and April 30, 2022 with an expired List B document and that document expired on or after March 1, 2020, and the employee: Then:
Is still employed.
  • Have the employee provide an unexpired document that establishes identity. Employees may present the renewed List B document, a different List B document or a document from List A.
  • In the “Additional Information” field of Section 2, the employer enters the document:
    • Title;
    • Issuing authority;
    • Number; and
    • Expiration date.
  • The employer initials and dates the change. See example.
Is no longer employed. No action is required.
The List B document was auto extended by the issuing authority, so it was unexpired when presented. No action is required because the document was unexpired when presented.


Form I-9
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