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New Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) Number Requirement for Federal Contractors

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Effective April 4, 2022, the federal government will no longer use the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number to uniquely identify federal contractors. As a result, federal contractors will be required to obtain a UEI number from SAM.gov and update that number in E-Verify.

E-Verify will include a new UEI field for federal contractors on or around April 4. Employers that have indicated they are a federal contractor in E-Verify will need to provide this UEI number through their company profile. Program Administrators can log into their E-Verify account and click on ‘View Company Profile’ to update this information.

The UEI field will be available during the E-Verify initial enrollment process later this fiscal year.

While it is not a required field, E-Verify will still collect the DUNs number for all employer types.

Visit the GSA website for more information on the UEI number; and SAM.gov for more information on this transition.

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