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DHS Secretary Designates Sudan for TPS

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Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas designated Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Sudan, for 18 months, effective April 19, 2022, through Oct. 19, 2023. Sudanese nationals and individuals having no nationality who last habitually resided in Sudan may submit an initial registration application under the designation for TPS for Sudan and apply for an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) during the 18-month registration period that begins April 19, 2022, and ends on Oct. 19, 2023. Once a TPS applicant receives their EAD with a Category Code of A12 or C19, they can present that EAD to employers as evidence of their identity and authorization to work.

Current TPS Sudan beneficiaries whose TPS is continued under a TPS-related court order may file an initial application under this new designation, following the instructions in the Federal Register notice, to avoid possibly losing TPS or experiencing a gap in coverage if the court order no longer applies.

For additional information, view the Federal Register notice designating Sudan for TPS as well as the USCIS TPS webpage

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