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E-Verify Records Disposal

Fecha de Publicación:
News Item Date:

On June 24, 2023, USCIS will dispose of E‑Verify records that are more than 10 years old, which are those last updated on or before Dec. 31, 2012. E‑Verify employers have until June 23, 2023, to download case information from the Historic Records Report if they want to retain information about these E-Verify cases.

Employers who have not already done so must record the E‑Verify case verification number on the corresponding Form I‑9, Employment Eligibility Verification, or attach a copy of the case details page to the Form I‑9. Employers should retain the Historic Records Report with the Forms I‑9.

For more information and guidance on downloading the Historic Records Report, see the fact sheet (PDF) and instructions for downloading (PDF).

Última Revisión/Actualización: