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What if my company was enrolled in E-Verify and created a case for my employee at the time I conducted the remote examination of my employee’s documents between March 20, 2020, and July 31, 2023?

Employers who meet four requirements may choose an alternative procedure in lieu of physically examining Form I-9 documentation that had been examined remotely under the COVID-19 flexibilities. 

To qualify for the alternative procedure, the employer must have:  

  • Performed remote examination of an employee’s documents between March 20, 2020, and July 31, 2023; 
  • Been enrolled in E-Verify at the time they completed the Form I-9 for that employee;  
  • Created a case in E-Verify for that employee (except for reverification); and  
  • Currently be enrolled in and continue to participate in E-Verify. 

Employers must not create another E-Verify case based on the second remote document examination. To learn more about fully completing the E-Verify process and closing cases, visit our Verification Process page.

Employers who do not meet all four requirements must perform an in-person physical examination of documents by August 30, 2023. Employers who have already completed the physical document examination and updated their Forms I-9 need not take any further action.

Note: If you were not enrolled in E-Verify during the COVID-19 flexibilities, between March 20, 2020, and July 21, 2023, enrolling in E-Verify now does not allow you to create E-Verify cases for your existing employees in order to take advantage of remote examination of documents using the new alternative procedure authorized by DHS. E-Verify cases may only be created for new hires from the date your company enrolls. E-Verify prohibits employers (except covered Federal contractors) from creating cases for existing employees. You may enroll in E-Verify to take advantage of the alternative procedure for new hires starting on Aug. 1, 2023.

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