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Un candado () o https:// ignifica que usted se conectó de forma segura a un sitio web .gov. Comparta información sensible sólo en sitios web oficiales y seguros.

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E-Verify at a Glance Video Now Available

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Check out E-Verify's new on demand video, E-Verify At-A-Glance! We cover the same important E-Verify topics as our “E-Verify in 30” public webinar in just 8 minutes, including:

  • How to enroll in E-Verify;
  • How to use E-Verify;
  • Best practices; and
  • Resources.

Learn about E-Verify and how it can help streamline your hiring process. It only takes a few simple steps to enroll and begin confirming the employment eligibility of your new hires.

Stay tuned for more! Subscribe to our mailing list and follow us @EVerify on Twitter.

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