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E-Verify Employer Search Tool Updated

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Want to know what employers are enrolled in E-Verify? Interested in how many E-Verify employers are in your state or industry?  Want to know who’s opting in to use the new E-Verify+ service?

An updated E-Verify Employer Search tool is now available. The tool provides a summary of E-Verify enrolled employers by state and other fields and adds the ability to search and see results of employers who have opted in to E-Verify+. The search tool also includes smart data filtering capabilities and automatically updates daily, providing more timely and accurate results.

The E-Verify Employer Search tool database only includes employers, E-Verify employer agents, and federal contractors who have self-reported that their company has five or more employees. Employers report their own data when they enroll in E-Verify. The accuracy and completeness of the data depend on what was submitted by employers at the time of enrollment and as reported throughout the employer’s relationship with E-Verify

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