E-Verify+ Information Sheet for Employees (PDF, 156.32 KB)
The E-Verify+ Information Sheet provides essential guidance for employees on the E-Verify+ system, focusing on:
- Streamlining Verification: Helping employees complete Form I-9 online efficiently.
- Access Instructions: Offering clear steps to access Form I-9 via the myUSCIS account.
- Employer Responsibilities: Outlining actions employers will take after Form I-9 submission.
- Resources: Providing contact information for further assistance.
Sample myE-Verify Dual Department of Homeland Security and Social Security Administration Further Action Notice (PDF, 293.78 KB)
Sample Further Action Notice - Understand why you received a myE-Verify mismatch and take action to resolve it.
Sample myE-Verify Social Security Administration Further Action Notice (PDF, 190.74 KB)
Sample Further Action Notice of Mismatch with Social Security Administration (SSA) Records.
Sample myE-Verify Department of Homeland Security Further Action Notice (PDF, 193.99 KB)
Sample Further Action Notice of Mismatch with Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Records.
Protect your identity, track your E-Verify case, learn your rights and confirm your own employment eligibility.
Sample Tentative Nonconfirmation (Mismatch) Email Notification from E-Verify (PDF, 194.78 KB)
You received this email because E-Verify provided a DHS and/or SSA Tentative Nonconfirmation (mismatch). A mismatch means that the information entered into E-Verify by your employer does not match records available to DHS and SSA.
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is available to answer your questions about employment discrimination, including discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability, or genetic information. To learn more, employers and employees may call 800-669-4000, (TTY:844-234-5122) or visit www.eeoc.gov.
Upload My Documents
myUpload is a feature from myE-Verify that allows you to electronically upload images of your documentation to help resolve your E-Verify or Self Check DHS Tentative Nonconfirmation (Mismatch).
Videos Page
E-Verify video library: View our E-Verify videos to learn about E-Verify’s many features and learn how E-Verify can benefit you and your business.
Form I-9 and E-Verify Guidance during Hurricane Season (PDF, 136.81 KB)
If a new employee’s document was been lost, stolen, or damaged within three business days of the first day of employment, they may present a receipt showing they applied for a replacement document.