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Recursos para empleados

¿Sabía que cuando comienza un nuevo trabajo en los EE. UU., debe completar el Formulario I-9, Verificación de elegibilidad laboral, para demostrar su identidad y elegibilidad laboral? ¿Sabía también que millones de empleadores utilizan E-Verify para confirmar electrónicamente que sus nuevos empleados están autorizados a trabajar? Obtenga más información sobre sus derechos y responsabilidades en el proceso de verificación de elegibilidad laboral en los videos y materiales interactivos de esta página.

Sample myE-Verify Department of Homeland Security Further Action Notice (PDF, 193.99 KB)

Sample Further Action Notice of Mismatch with Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Records.

Sample myE-Verify Dual Department of Homeland Security and Social Security Administration Further Action Notice (PDF, 293.78 KB)

Sample Further Action Notice - Understand why you received a myE-Verify mismatch and take action to resolve it.

Sample myE-Verify Social Security Administration Further Action Notice (PDF, 190.74 KB)

Sample Further Action Notice of Mismatch with Social Security Administration (SSA) Records.

Sample Department of Homeland Security Further Action Notice (PDF, 180.01 KB)

Sample Further Action Notice of Mismatch with Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Records.

Sample Dual Department of Homeland Security and Social Security Administration Further Action Notice (PDF, 301.14 KB)

Sample Further Action Notice of Mismatch with Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Records and Social Security Administration (SSA) Records.

Sample Social Security Administration Further Action Notice (PDF, 306.24 KB)

Sample Further Action Notice of Mismatch with Social Security Administration (SSA) Records.

Sample Tentative Nonconfirmation (Mismatch) Email Notification from E-Verify (PDF, 194.78 KB)

You received this email because E-Verify provided a DHS and/or SSA Tentative Nonconfirmation (mismatch). A mismatch means that the information entered into E-Verify by your employer does not match records available to DHS and SSA. 

Sample Referral Date Confirmation (PDF, 125.95 KB)

As part of the E-Verify process, your employer gave you a Further Action Notice explaining that E-Verify could not confirm your employment eligibility in the United States.

Form I-9 and E-Verify Guidance during Hurricane Season (PDF, 136.81 KB)

If a new employee’s document was been lost, stolen, or damaged within three business days of the first day of employment, they may present a receipt showing they applied for a replacement document. 

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