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6.0 Case Reports

There are various types of case reports available to E-Verify employers including Quick Audit Report, Case Creation Summary, and Historic Records Report. This section provides information on these reports and how to create them in E-Verify.

Tipo de Alerta Información

Reports display only the last four digits of an employee’s Social Security number for added security and to protect employees’ privacy.


  • Quick Audit Report - This report provides case data about each case that matches the user-entered search criteria in the .csv file format. The case data includes basic company and case identifiers and case resolution information. The case data does not include sensitive employee information such as SSNs or document numbers. This report was designed to satisfy the requirement of employers to report their E Verify activity to federal, state, or local government entities. Users should note that this report may contain up to 5,000 rows and is populated with the city and state that is associated with their account. This report is available to corporate administrators and program administrators.
  • Case Creation Summary - This report displays the number of cases initiated by a company within a specified date range. An Employer will still appear on a report with a zero total if it has not initiated any cases during the date range. 
  • Historic Records Report - This report provides case data about each resolved case that is 10 years or older. The case data includes basic company and case identifiers and case resolution information. The case data do not include sensitive employee information such as Social Security numbers or document numbers. 
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