Get answers to your E-Verify questions.

After I enroll in E-Verify, when should I begin to verify my employees?

If your company is enrolled as a(n):

  • Employer: You must begin using E-Verify for all new hires on the date you electronically sign the memorandum of understanding (MOU).
  • Corporate Administrator: You cannot create cases in E-Verify. You must enroll your company’s locations and sign an MOU for each verification location. The verification location must begin using E-Verify for all new hires on the date that you, as the corporate administrator, signed the MOU for that location.
  • E-Verify Employer Agents: You must begin to create cases in E-Verify for all your new hires on the date you electronically sign the MOU. Once you have a client, you must submit an additional MOU signed by you and the client company to DHS. Once you submit the client company’s MOU and the client enrollment is active, you must immediately begin using E-Verify for all of your client company’s new hires at the location(s) specified.
  • E-Verify Employer Agent Clients: You must sign an MOU and submit it to your E-Verify employer agent. After you submit the MOU and your enrollment is active, your E-Verify employer agent must create cases in E-Verify for all of your new hires at the location(s) specified.
  • Web Services Access for Employers: You must begin to create cases in E-Verify either through the E-Verify website or your software that interfaces with E-Verify for all new hires on the date you electronically sign the memorandum of understanding (MOU).
  • Web Services Access for E- Verify Employer Agents: You must begin to create cases in E-Verify either through the E-Verify website or your software that interfaces with E-Verify for all your new hires on the date you electronically sign the MOU. Once you have a client, you must submit an additional MOU signed by you and the client company to DHS. Once you submit the client company’s MOU and the client enrollment is active, you must immediately begin using E-Verify for all of your client company’s new hires at the location(s) specified.

If you are a Federal Contractor with the FAR E-Verify clause in your contract, please note that your timeframes may be different.  See the E-Verify Supplemental Guide for Federal Contractors for details. 

After my Social Security Administration (SSA) visit, do I need to take any information back to my employer?

No, your employer may not ask you to obtain a printout from SSA records or other written verification of your Social Security number from SSA. SSA’s system will interface with E-Verify and provide your employer an update automatically. 

Am I required to enter all of the Other Last Names Used listed by the employee on their Form I-9?

When creating the case in E-Verify the only required name fields are First Name and Last Name. The Other Last Names Used field in E-Verify is not a required field but employers are encouraged to use it to enter any other names employees provided.  This will help E-Verify confirm employment authorization and avoid unnecessary Tentative Nonconfirmations (mismatches).

Am I required to participate in E-Verify in order to hire F-1 students who seek a STEM OPT extension?

Yes, you must enroll in E-Verify, electronically sign an E-Verify memorandum of understanding (MOU), and participate in E-Verify in order to employ F-1 students seeking an extension of their optional practical training (OPT) under the STEM-designated degree program. F-1 students who participate in an approved period of post-completion OPT after earning a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree from the list of designated STEM degrees STEM degrees may apply for this extension of their OPT.

Universities seeking to hire F-1 students who are applying for the STEM OPT extension should enroll in E-Verify either as the university as a whole or as separate departments. If the university as a whole enrolls in E-Verify, the F-1 STEM OPT students may work in any qualifying STEM departments in the university. If the university departments are separately enrolled in E-Verify, then only those university departments that have a signed E-Verify MOU qualify as E-Verify employers and F-1 STEM OPT students may only work for those departments.

Employment agencies and consulting firms that wish to employ F-1 OPT students who seek the extension must be enrolled in E-Verify. Third parties contracting with the agency or firm for which the student is providing services need not be enrolled.

Am I required to post the most recent versions of the Notice of E-Verify Participation and the Immigrant and Employee Rights Section (IER) Right to Work posters?

Yes. You must replace previous versions of their posters with the most recent versions as soon as possible. The latest versions of the E-Verify Participation and the IER Right to Work posters are available on the resources page and in E-Verify under View Essential Resources and View Resources pages.

An employer did not create cases in E-Verify for several years. The employer is again using its E-Verify account and creating cases. Should the employer create cases for employees that were hired while the employer was not using E-Verify?
Unless an employer is a federal contractor with a federal contract containing the FAR E-Verify clause, it cannot use E-Verify for existing employees. If an employer’s account was inactive due to deliberate non-use while hiring numerous employees over several years, that employer should not go back and create cases for any employees hired during the time its account was inactive.  However, an employer who is actively using E-Verify but learns that he or she has failed to create a case in E-Verify by the third business day after the employee’s first day of employment should immediately create a case for the employee.
Are employers allowed to share E-Verify case information with state agency representatives as proof of E-Verify enrollment and use to comply with a state law?

Many states require employers to disclose E-Verify case information to state officials as proof of compliance with state laws requiring use of E-Verify as a condition of state business licensing. Employers and their E-Verify Employer Agents who enroll in E-Verify to comply with state law are authorized by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to provide certain E-Verify information to authorized state officials, DHS, Immigrant and Employee Rights section (IER) and their contractors. This permission allows employers to comply with state laws as well as the E-Verify Memorandum of Understanding, which only allows dissemination of certain E-Verify information when it is authorized in advance by Social Security Administration (SSA) or DHS for legitimate purposes. 

The E-Verify Quick Audit Report was designed to satisfy requirements that employers report their E-Verify activity to authorized Federal, state, and local government agencies.

The Quick Audit Report case data provides:

  • Basic company information;
  • Case identifiers;
  • Case resolution information; and
  • No sensitive employee information.

You may find further information about the Quick Audit Report in the E-Verify User Manual for Employers.

Are there any tips you can give employers of FSM, RMI and Palauan citizens when creating cases for these employees in E-Verify?

If a citizen of the FSM, the RMI or Palau receives an E-Verify mismatch (previously called a Tentative Nonconfirmation or TNC), it is usually because of a name and date of birth-related error. When completing Form I-9, instruct employees to use their full legal name and to enter their date of birth in the month/day/year format. Be especially careful when you enter the employee’s name and date of birth in E-Verify. Also, note their citizenship status. They should mark “alien authorized to work,” not “noncitizen national of the United States.”

As an E-Verify program administrator, how do I reset a password for a user on our account?

To reset a user’s password, follow the steps outlined in Reset User’s Password – Process Overview.

As an employer am I required to complete Form I-983, Training Plan for STEM OPT Students, for students I employ?

Yes, any employer who wishes to employ a student with a 24-month STEM OPT extension must develop a formal training plan that clearly identifies the STEM OPT student’s learning objectives and the employer’s commitment to help the student achieve those goals. The student and his or her prospective employer must work together to complete this form. Please visit the Training Plan section at the STEM OPT Hub on DHS’ Study in the States website for an overview of this requirement for employers and STEM OPT students.

Can a newly assigned employer agent, acting as an authorized employer representative of a client company, request termination of its client’s existing employer access account?

Employer agents who have executed and maintain an active MOU with the client may act as the client’s authorized representative and request termination of accounts on behalf of their client. A client may also terminate or maintain its own E-Verify account, even when it retains an Employer Agent.

Can a temporary staffing agency create a case in E-Verify for an employee before placing the employee on assignment? Can the certification date on the Form I-9 be left blank until the employee is placed?

When completing Section 2 of Form I-9, staffing agencies may choose to use either the date a new employee is assigned to their first job or the date a new employee accepts an offer and is entered into the assignment pool as the first day of employment, this will also be the date used when creating the case in E-Verify. Staffing agencies should not leave the certification date or the Employee’s First Day of Employment field blank. Staffing agencies should remain consistent with regard to the date they choose to use as the first day of employment when completing Forms I-9 and E-Verify cases.

Can E-Verify confirm the employment authorization of individuals who have parole in the CNMI and are waiting on USCIS to adjudicate their petition?

All aliens must have a currently valid Employment Authorization Document (EAD) to work in the CNMI. Parole gives someone legal status to stay in the CNMI but does not by itself provide employment authorization. A parolee may apply for a discretionary grant of a USCIS Employment Authorization Document (EAD) by filing USCIS Form I-765.  E-Verify can confirm the employment authorization of any employee who presents a valid EAD for Form I-9.

Can E-Verify fine or terminate an E-Verify participant if it finds evidence of misuse, abuse or fraud?

E-Verify will take appropriate administrative measures to assist participants in coming into compliance with E-Verify policies and procedures. E-Verify does not fine employers. However, in certain cases of suspected misuse, abuse, discrimination, and/or fraud, as stated in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), E-Verify can terminate an employer or entity’s participation in E-Verify at any time, with or without notice, if deemed necessary because of the requirements of law or policy. E-Verify may recommend that a participant be referred to agencies that investigate illegal employer activities.

Can E-Verify Posters be downloaded or linked electronically to external web sites?

E-Verify posters can be displayed by enrolled employers only. E-Verify requires its participants to display the E-Verify Participation and Right to Work posters in prominent locations clearly visible to prospective employees and all employees, including those hired to work in a remote setting. This can include displaying the posters digitally, online, in hard copy at physical locations, and providing a copy of the posters with job application materials.  Electronically linking official (non-sample) E-Verify posters to external web sites is not permitted.  

Visit the Trademark and Logo Usage Guidelines page for more information on digitized logo. 

Can E-Verify provide information on best practices for using E-Verify?

Yes, E-Verify's Account Compliance analysts will assist E-Verify participants with any questions about following E-Verify policies and procedures. The Account Compliance self-assessment guides provide best practices for direct access users and web services users using E-Verify. E-Verify participants may also call the E-Verify Contact Center at 888-464-4218 from 8 am to 5 pm local time and ask to speak to an Account Compliance analyst who can assist you with any compliance questions you may have.

Can employees request that their case information be removed from E-Verify?

E-Verify compares information from an employee’s Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, to data found in U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Social Security Administration (SSA) databases. E-Verify cannot delete records. An employee can submit a request for an agency to correct or amend his or her records. The process for correcting immigration records can be found on the How to Correct Your Immigration Records page. To correct SSA records, the employee should contact SSA or visit their website at

Can my company choose to create E-Verify cases from only one location, even if we hire employees at multiple locations?

Yes, you may enroll only the locations that will create E-Verify cases in the E-Verify employer access method. These locations can create cases for one or several hiring sites. During enrollment, your company may indicate the number of hiring sites and the name(s) of the program administrator(s) associated with that verification location. You will need to sign only one MOU.

Can my company’s E-Verify account be closed in less than 30 days?

The E-Verify MOU states that an account may be terminated at any time upon 30 days prior written notice. Under certain circumstances, an E-Verify account may be closed prior to the end of the 30-day period. Those circumstances include:

  • The company no longer exists;
  • Closing the account is necessary to protect the account from unauthorized access;
  • A company has duplicate or unnecessary accounts;
  • A company needs to re-enroll in order to change its E-Verify access method; or
  • E-Verify determines that closing an account before 30 days is necessary based on the requirements of law or policy.

To request that your E-Verify account be closed prior to 30 days from your notice of termination based on one of these circumstances, your written request for termination must:

  • Request that your E-Verify account be closed prior to 30 days from your notice of termination;
  • Explain why your account should be closed prior to 30 days from your notice of termination, referencing and explaining in detail one or more of the circumstances above; and
  • Specify the date you would like your E-Verify account closed.

Closing E-Verify accounts prior to the end of the 30-day period is at the discretion of E-Verify.

Can my company’s E-Verify client account be closed in less than 30 days?

The E-Verify MOU states than an account may be terminated at any time upon 30 days prior written notice. Under certain circumstances, an E-Verify client account may be closed prior to the end of the 30-day period. Those circumstances include:

  • The company no longer exists;
  • Closing the account is necessary to protect the account from unauthorized access;
  • A company has duplicate or unnecessary accounts;
  • A company needs to re-enroll in order to change its E-Verify access method; or
  • E-Verify determines that closing an account before 30 days is necessary based on the requirements of law or policy.

To request that your E-Verify account be closed prior to 30 days from your notice of termination based on one of these circumstances, your company’s E-Verify employer agent or an authorized representative of your company must make a written request to E-Verify.

Closing E-Verify accounts prior to the end of the 30-day period is at the discretion of E-Verify.

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