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2.3 Terminate Client Participation

Client participation in E-Verify may be terminated voluntarily. To terminate participation for a client, E‑Verify employer agents must submit a termination request to E-Verify no later than 30 days in advance of the date the client would like to close its account. E-Verify employer agents may request client termination electronically through E-Verify or email by submitting a written termination notice to E‑Verify@uscis.dhs.gov or by fax to 202-443-0215.

During this 30-day period, E-Verify Employer Agents must resolve all open cases in E-Verify on behalf of the client, and they must not use E-Verify to create new cases. E-Verify Employer Agents are required to close all open E-Verify cases, even after the request to terminate the E-Verify account is made.

Tipo de Alerta Información

Once an account is terminated, all access to the account and its associated records is gone. To preserve the records from an E-Verify account, refer to Section 5.0 of the E-Verify User Manual to create and retain a user audit report before the account is terminated.

To request termination of client participation through E-Verify, follow the steps outlined in the Terminate Client Account – Process Overview.


  • Search for the client whose participation you will terminate. See Section 2.2, Client Search.
  • Click Termination Request Reason from a drop-down list.
  • Click Yes, Request Termination.
  • You will receive an email confirming that your account is terminated in 30 days.

Update or Cancel Termination:

Once termination is requested, the client will be in Pending Termination status for 30 days. E-Verify employer agents may return to E-Verify within 30 days to update the reason for termination or cancel the request.

You will receive an email confirming that the client’s account is terminated.

Última Revisión/Actualización: