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5.5 Work Authorization Documents Expiring

The Work Authorization Docs Expiring case alert is a notification that an employee's Form I-766, Employment Authorization Document, or Form I-94, Arrival-Departure Record, document is expiring. This alert is intended as a reminder to reverify the employee by completing Supplement B, Reverification and Rehire, of Form I-9. For reverification, do not create a new E-Verify case. 

Because this is simply a reminder, no action is required or permitted in E-Verify. You may dismiss each alert by clicking Dismiss Alert. 

This alert will only appear if the document the employee presented for the original E Verify case was either a Form I-766 or Form I-94. The alert will appear in E-Verify 90 days prior to expiration. Also, the alert only appears when the Form I-766 or Form I-94 used for the E-Verify case expires—subsequent expiration dates of other documents will not activate another case alert. 

Tipo de Alerta Información

 If you have employees who are Temporary Protected Status (TPS) beneficiaries who provided a TPS-related EAD when they first started working for you, and the Department of Homeland Security has automatically extended this EAD, you will receive a ‘‘Work Authorization Documents Expiring’’ case alert when the automatic extension period for this EAD is about to expire. This alert indicates that at the end of the automatic extension period, employment authorization must be reverified in Supplement B.  Employers must not use E-Verify for reverification. 

Última Revisión/Actualización: