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1.0 Introduction

This guide is designed to assist you throughout the E-Verify enrollment and user registration process.

Using E-Verify is an important step in ensuring that your company has a legal workforce by electronically confirming the information on Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, referred to hereafter as Form I-9.

E-Verify works by electronically comparing the information from an employee’s Form I 9 with records available to SSA and/or DHS to verify the identity and employment eligibility of each newly hired employee and/or employee assigned to a covered federal contract.

Employers can verify the employment eligibility of only one person at a time within E-Verify. All cases must be created individually.

E-Verify is free, and it is the best means available to confirm the employment eligibility of new hires. The E-Verify statute limits the scope of E-Verify operations to the United States, which includes the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Users may only create E-Verify cases in the United States.

Tipo de Alerta Información

E-Verify Self Check, referred to as Self Check, is a free, fast, secure and voluntary online service that allows individuals to confirm their own employment eligibility themselves. Employers may not ask current or prospective employees to use Self Check to prove employment eligibility. The service is designed to provide visibility into government records, and if necessary, guidance on how individuals can correct those records. Self Check is separate from the E-Verify user interface. For more information and specific rules, visit https://www.e-verify.gov/mye-verify/self-check.

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