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1.2 User Roles

Enrolled employers can assign their users with different permissions and functions, depending upon the user’s role. There are two types of users: program administrators and general users. Program administrators provide support for the general user and manage the company profile. Employers are required to have at least one program administrator, and can have as many program administrators as they choose.

General users are only able to create and manage cases. Employers are not required to have general users, but can have as many general users as they choose.

General users and program administrators must successfully complete the online E-Verify tutorial before they can create or manage cases.

All registered E-Verify users must follow the guidelines set forth in the memorandum of understanding (MOU) and the rules and responsibilities outlined in the E-Verify User Manual located at www.E-Verify.gov and the E-Verify tutorial. It is your company’s responsibility to ensure that your users are prepared and capable of using E-Verify properly. Misuse of E-Verify may lead to legal liability for both the company and the user.

The User Role Overview explains the features of each user role. The corporate administrator user role is available only to companies that enroll in the corporate administrator access method. For more information on corporate administrators, refer to Appendix A: Corporate Administrator Access.


User RolePermissions
Program Administrator (at least one required)

Every E-Verify account must have at least one program administrator. The program administrator is responsible for following all E-Verify program rules and staying informed of changes to E-Verify policies and procedures.
The program administrator role includes functions of a general user.

Permissions include:

  • Registering new users
  • Creating user accounts for other program administrators and general users
  • Creating and managing cases
  • Viewing reports
  • Updating profile information for other program administrators general users, and themselves
  • Unlocking user accounts
  • Closing company and user accounts
General User (optional)

Employers can have as many or no general users as they desire. The general user is responsible for following all E-Verify program rules and staying informed of changes to E-Verify policies and procedures.

Permissions include:

  • Creating and managing cases
  • Viewing reports
  • Updating their own profile
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