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Un sitio web .gov pertenece a una organización oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos.


Los sitios web seguros .gov usan HTTPS
Un candado () o https:// ignifica que usted se conectó de forma segura a un sitio web .gov. Comparta información sensible sólo en sitios web oficiales y seguros.

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2.0 Initial Verification

The E-Verify process begins with a completed Form I-9. E-Verify confirms employment eligibility by comparing the employee’s Form I-9 information entered in E-Verify by the employer with the information in records available to DHS and/or SSA.

When E-Verify checks the employee’s information with records available to DHS and/or SSA, a case result is provided. Case result statuses can be initial, interim or final. Proper use of E-Verify requires users to close all cases when they receive a final case results of Final Nonconfirmation or Close Case and Resubmit. Cases resulting in Employment Authorized are automatically closed by the system.

This section outlines the steps required to create a case in E-Verify and the initial case results provided by E-Verify. For additional guidance specific to E-Verify employer agents, see the Supplemental Guide for E-Verify Employer Agents.

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