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4.1 Close Case

To properly complete the E-Verify process, employers must close every case they create, except for cases that result in Employment Authorized, which E-Verify will automatically close. Follow the steps outlined in the Close Case – Process Overview.

Close Case - Process Overview 

If the Case Result is Employment Authorized:

  • E-Verify automatically closes the case. See Section 4.2 Case Alerts and View/Search Cases for guidance on how to search for and view existing cases in E-Verify.
  • Record the E-Verify Case Number on the employee’s Form I-9 or attach a copy of the case details page to the Form I-9.
  • This completes the E-Verify process for this case.

If the Case Result is Final Nonconfirmation:

  • Click Close Case.

Close Case Final Nonconfirmation

  • Select the statement indicating whether or not you will continue to employ this individual.

Screenshot Close Case select employment status

  • If you select the option indicating you will continue to employee this individual, you must provide the reason why. Type the reason in the text box provided.

Screenshot Close Case continued employment

  • If you select the option indicating that neither of the above applies and you are closing this case for a different reason, you must select the reason you are closing the case.

Screenshot Close Case continued employment incidcating neither options above apply

  • If Other is selected as the reason, you must type the reason in the text box provided.

Screenshot Close Case continued employment Neither of the options above apply, why

  • After you’ve typed a reason, click Close Case.
  • E-Verify displays an alert indicating the case was successfully closed.
  • Record the E-Verify Case Number on the employee’s Form I-9, or click the link to View/Print Case Details and attach a copy of the case details page to the Form I-9.
  • Click Create New Case to create a new case or click Continue to be redirected to view all your cases.

Screenshot Close Case indicating create new case

If the Case Result is Close Case and Resubmit:

  • Click Close and Create New Case.

Screenshot Resubmit this Case indicating close and create new case

  • This case will be automatically closed and E-Verify will open a new case so you can enter the employee’s information from Form I-9 and create a new case.
  • This completes the E-Verify process for the first case.

Every case created in E-Verify must be closed. Some E-Verify case results require employers to provide additional information. When prompted, select the most appropriate statement displayed and type additional information when requested. E-Verify only presents statements that are relevant to each case because not all of the case closure reasons apply to every situation.

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