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4.1.1 Case Closure Statements

  • The employee continues to work for the employer after receiving an Employment Authorized result.

E-Verify has verified that the employee is eligible to work in the United States and the employee continues to work for the employer.

  • The employee continues to work for the employer after receiving a Final Nonconfirmation result.

E-Verify could not verify that this employee is authorized to work in the United States. The employee took action to resolve the Tentative Nonconfirmation (mismatch), but was unable to resolve it and a Final Nonconfirmation was issued in E-Verify. The employer chooses to allow the employee to continue to work.

  • The employee continues to work for the employer after receiving a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) No Show result.

E-Verify could not verify that this employee is authorized to work in the United States. The employee took action to resolve the Tentative Nonconfirmation (mismatch), but did not take action to resolve it and a ‘DHS No Show’ result was issued in E-Verify. The employer chooses to allow the employee to continue to work.

  • The employee continues to work for the employer after choosing not to take action to resolve a Tentative Nonconfirmation (mismatch).

E-Verify could not verify that this employee is authorized to work in the United States. The employee chose not to take action to resolve the Tentative Nonconfirmation (mismatch). The employer chooses to allow the employee to continue to work.

  • The employee was terminated by the employer for receiving a Final Nonconfirmation result.

E-Verify could not verify that this employee is authorized to work in the United States. The employee had to take action to resolve the Tentative Nonconfirmation (mismatch), but was unable to resolve it. The employer terminated the employee after the Final Nonconfirmation result.

  • The employee was terminated by the employer for receiving a DHS No Show result.

E-Verify could not verify that this employee is authorized to work in the United States. The employee took action to resolve the Tentative Nonconfirmation (mismatch), but did not take action to resolve it and a ‘DHS No Show’ result was issued in E-Verify. The employer terminated the employee after receiving the ‘DHS No Show’ result.

  • The employee was terminated by the employer for choosing not to take action to resolve a Tentative Nonconfirmation.

E-Verify could not verify that this employee is authorized to work in the United States. The employee chose not to take action to resolve the Tentative Nonconfirmation (mismatch). The employer terminated the employee after the employee chose not to take action to resolve the Mismatch.

  • The employee quit working for the employer.

The employee chose to stop working for the employer.

  • The employee was terminated by the employer for reasons other than E‑Verify.

The employer terminated the employee for reasons unrelated to E-Verify.

  • This case is being closed because of technical issues with E-Verify.

This case is being closed because of technical issues with E-VerifyE-Verify was unable to process this case due to a technical issue. The employer is closing this case and needs to create a new case.

  • The case is being closed because another case with the same data already exists.

An E-Verify case with the same data was already created for this employee. This is a duplicate case.

Tipo de Alerta Información

If a case is closed because another case with the same data already exists, it does not void the case or change the case result. The case will still display the last case result even though it has been closed.

  • The case is being closed because the data entered is incorrect.

The data entered for this employee was not correct.

Tipo de Alerta Información

If a case is closed because the data entered is incorrect, it does not void the case or change the case result. The case will still display the last case result even though it has been closed.

  • The case is being closed because the document is expired.

The document presented by the employee for verification was expired. The employer is closing the case and needs to create a new case with an unexpired document.

  • The case is being closed because DHS or SSA instructed this employer to create a new case for this employee.

DHS or SSA instructed the employer to create a new case for this employee because E‑Verify was unavailable, or for another reason.

  • The employee is no longer employed by the employer for reasons unrelated to E-Verify and the mismatch process could not be completed.

The employee is not available because they are no longer working for this employer for reasons unrelated to E-Verify. The Tentative Nonconfirmation (Mismatch) process could not be completed.

  • The case is being closed because DHS or SSA instructed this employer to close the case.

The employer was directed by DHS or SSA to close this case.

Close Case Summary

Employer Action

  • Click Close Case
  • Indicate whether the employee is still employed
  • Select the appropriate case closure statement
  • Record E-Verify Case Number on Form I-9 or print screen and file it with Form I-9
  • The E-Verify process is now completed

Employee Action

  • None
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