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Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos

Dot gov

Los sitios web oficiales usan .gov
Un sitio web .gov pertenece a una organización oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos.


Los sitios web seguros .gov usan HTTPS
Un candado () o https:// ignifica que usted se conectó de forma segura a un sitio web .gov. Comparta información sensible sólo en sitios web oficiales y seguros.

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3.1 Employment Authorized

Most E-Verify cases receive a case result of Employment Authorized. Employment Authorized means that the information entered into E-Verify matched records available to DHS and/or SSA confirming employment eligibility of the employee whose information was entered. E-Verify automatically closes cases resulting in Employment Authorized. You can locate the closed case and view case details in View/Search Cases. See Section 4.2 Case Alerts and View/Search cases for guidance on how to search for and view existing cases in E-Verify. At this stage, you should record the case number on this employee’s Form I-9 or print out the Case Details page and attach it to the Form I-9.

Tipo de Alerta Información

Automatic closure only applies to employers directly accessing E-Verify to create cases. If you are using web service software to create cases, you must manually close all cases, including cases resulting in employment authorized.


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