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3.1.1 Employment Authorized - Request Name Review

In some cases E-Verify issues a case result of Employment Authorized, but the name returned in E-Verify does not match exactly the name on Form I-9. This happens when the information matches, but there are name variations in DHS records. In this case, request a review of the employee’s name so E-Verify can issue a final case result. To request a name review, follow the steps outlined in the Request Name Review - Process Overview.

Tipo de Alerta Información

Do not use this functionality in a discriminatory manner (e.g., based on an individual’s race, national origin or ethnicity).

Request Name Review - Process Overview

  • Compare the name displayed in the yellow box with the name you entered which is shown in the white box.
  • If the names match, click Close Case.
  • If the names do not match, request DHS review of the case by clicking Request Name Review.
  • Screenshot of E-Verify's Verification results page indicating employment authorized highlighting first and last name.
  • Enter the specific reason for the name review request into the Comments field.
  • Screen shot of E-Verify screen where the user can type comments for the Request Name Review.
  • Click Continue.

A case sent to DHS for name review will be updated with one of the following results:

  • Employment Authorized, Section 3.1 
  • DHS and SSA Tentative Nonconfirmation (Mismatch), Section 3.3

Each case result requires different actions or steps to continue or close the case. These actions are outlined in the case result sections throughout this manual.

Request Name Review Summary

Employer Action 

  • Determine if a name review is required (if not required, close case)
  • Click Continue
  • Input reason for name review request in Comments field
  • Click Continue
  • Follow steps outlined in E-Verify Needs More Time

Employee Action

  • None
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