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3.3.4 Review And Update Employee Data

If SSA finds a discrepancy in the information it received in the E-Verify referral, E-Verify will issue a prompt for the employer to review and update the employee’s information.

A Review and Update Employee Data case result occurs for reasons including typographical errors and/or incorrect information provided on Form I-9. This requires the employer to review Form I-9 with the employee make any necessary corrections on Form I-9, and update the information in the E-Verify case.

Tipo de Alerta Información

 You may only update a case once. Ensure that the changes are correct before updating the case.

A case that is resubmitted to SSA will have one of the following case results:

  • Employment Authorized, Section 3.1
  • E-Verify Needs More Time, Section 3.2
  • DHS or SSA Tentative Nonconfirmation (Mismatch), Section 3.3
  • DHS or SSA Final Nonconfirmation, Section 3.5

Review and Update Employee Data Summary

Employer Action 

  • Review the information on Form I-9 and E-Verify with the employee for accuracy and make any necessary changes on Form I-9
  • Access the employee’s case
  • If necessary, update the employee’s information in the fields provided
  • Click Continue
  • Follow steps based on case result provided

Employee Action 

  • Ensure that the information provided in Section 1 of Form I-9 is accurate and make any necessary corrections
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