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7.3.3 Update Points Of Contact

Every employer must have at least one person assigned as a point of contact for E-Verify issues. Program administrators added during account enrollment are automatically assigned as points of contact. Employers should keep their point of contact information up-to-date. E-Verify will rely on this information if it ever needs to contact the employer. To update the point of contact information when it changes, see the Update Points of Contact – Process Overview.

Update Points of Contact - Process Overview

  • From Company, select Edit Company Profile.

Edit Company Dropdown Menu

  • Click View/Edit in the Total Points of Contact section of the Company Information page to update this information. The Points of Contact Summary page opens.

Update POC Company Information

  • Click Add to add a new point of contact. Or select Edit next to the point of contact you are updating.
  • Click Next after adding the new point of contact's information or modifying an existing point of contact's information. The updated Points of Contact Summary List page will appear.
  • Click Delete to delete a point of contact. The updated Points of Contact Summary List page will appear.

Points of Contact Summary List

  • Click Save when finished updating the point(s) of contact information. This brings the program administrator back to the Company Information page.
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